We’re all doing our part by staying at home, but the events community including Prime Time is getting crafty with online experiences to continue to bring people together! In times of social distancing, let’s not forget the power of human connection and the virtual tools that we are given. Our DJs and talents can be made available to keep you entertained from home! After all, just because you have to stay at home doesn’t mean you can’t be entertained! From now on, we offer you the opportunity to meet your audiences in their lounges, thanks to the live or virtual “DJ sets” broadcasted via Instagram, Facebook, video conference or pre-recorded video. Our DJs and all the artists at Prime Time invite you to get in digital mode and make way for virtual performances. Of course, Prime Time will make sure, as always, to deliver quality services, whether live or rebroadcast.

Contact us if you wish to book an artist now.

And have a peek at this ‘live’ performance recently delivered by Sandy Duperval for Fillactive:

Hope to get to entertain you soon, from the comfort of your home!